アジア最大の広告祭であるSPIKES Asia2014において、「『広告医学』(AD-MED)―コミュニケーションでヘルスケア行動をアクティベートする」と題し、セミナーを実施。
Speaking at Spikes Asia, Masaya Shimizu and Takanori Takebe took to the stage to wax lyrical for a future where advertising helps improve the health of nations.
They introduced the concept of Ad-Med, in which advertising and the creative thinking behind it are used to help people be healthier and ultimately changing behaviour.
Shimizu argued that “noisy doctors” that told you not to do things don’t get through to many patients and instead other approaches are needed. He referenced the VW piano stairs, which encouraged 66% more people to opt for the stairs instead escalator (above). The ad centred on the concept of the 'fun theory' which believes that people will do more if the activity is fun.
“This is the concept of “advertising medicine” (Ad-med), to help stop people from getting sick. Ad-med is about moving from logical persuasion to changing behaviour and combining the two sides. [This will] bring big changes into people lifestyles,” he said.
According to Shimizu and Takebe, the goal of Advertising Medicine is to “create a ‘new normal’ for people, so that they act in a healthier manner and as a result, the stress on the Japanese health system isn’t as much”. This means three stages:
1.Design 2.Activate 3.Connect & sustain
In terms of sustainability, they recalled a scheme in Japan titled ‘Smile Matsuyama Project’ which created a platform to bring people together under the aim of walking more. The platform also connected people to doctors and personal trainers. They commented, “[It] has created a sustainable movement, which promotes long term health and builds a community in the town.”
Ultimately, Shimizu believes “We have the power of creativity to change people’s behaviour to help cure the country and reduce cost of medical care.”